Revision Knee Surgery


This procedure replaces worn artificial knee parts and damaged bone with new metal and plastic components.

Knee Accessed

A vertical incision is made in the knee to expose the patella (kneecap) and the ligaments that connect it to the tibia and fibula. The patella is pushed aside to allow the surgeon access to the joint.

Femur Component Removed

The old component is removed from the femur (thigh bone).

Femur Reshaped

The femur is reshaped to receive a new component.

Lost Bone Replaced

Bone grafts may be needed to replace lost bone and improve the implant's fit. Or, the doctor may decide to use wedges cemented inside the new component.

Femur Component Attached

The new component is attached to the end of the femur using bone cement.

Tibia Component Removed

The old component is removed from the tibia.

Tibia Reshaped

The tibia end is reshaped and its center is hollowed so a new metal component can be attached.

Lost Bone Replaced

It may be necessary to replace lost bone with a metal wedge. Or, morselized bone grafts may be used instead.

Tibia Component Secured

The new tibia component and wedge, if used, are secured to the end of the tibia using bone cement.

Plastic Plate Attached

A plastic plate is attached to the metal tibial component. The plate will support the body's weight and allow the femur to move over the tibia.

Patella Resurfaced

The rear of the patella is resurfaced and a new plastic component is attached using bone cement.

End of Procedure

The patella is placed back into its normal position, and the incision is closed.

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